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Residence from Work Visa

Here we share some general information about the Residence from Work policy. This material is for information purposes only. Contact one of our Licensed Immigration Advisers for personal immigration advice.


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Residence from Work Category

A person with a Work to Residence visa can apply for residence once key milestones are met.


This visa is ideal for those who do not qualify under the Skilled Migrant or Straight to Residence categories. If there are changes in circumstances, such as health, character, or employment, before applying under Residence from Work, seek immediate advice from a licensed immigration adviser to avoid the risk of decline.

Residence From Work

A Residence from Work Visa requires applicants (and their families) to pass mandatory health and character checks, and in some cases, meet an English language standard. Your eligibility will depend largely on your skill set, qualifications, and career experience.


- Talent Visa (Arts, Culture, and Sports): Applicants who have contributed their talent to New Zealand for two years or longer may be considered for residence. This policy requires high thresholds of talent or excellence and is not often used.


- Green List: Certain occupations on the Green List may qualify for residence after working in that occupation in New Zealand for 24 months or longer.


- Religious Workers: Under certain circumstances, religious organizations can apply for Work Visas for religious workers after they have been in New Zealand for at least three years.


- Accredited Employer: Applicants paid 200% or more of the current median wage may qualify for residence after completing 24 months of employment in New Zealand.

Useful Information

The NZIHS immigration advisers and experts take away the stress and worry of navigating the complex world of New Zealand Visitor visas, policies, and immigration.

The Route To Residence from Work

In all the above cases, opportunities for residence usually follow two or three years of satisfactory work. It’s important to note that conditions may change regarding the age and health of applicants, their marital status, the circumstances surrounding their employment, and the policy itself.


Requirements for a Work Visa differ, so having a Work Visa does not guarantee that residence will follow. These regulatory processes can be frustrating to navigate, and the bureaucracy can be overwhelming.


If you need assistance in navigating these complicated conditions, don't hesitate to contact us. Residence from Work in New Zealand can seem overly complicated, but you can rely on the experts at Malcolm Pacific Immigration to guide you through this maze.

General Comments

People who apply for Residence from Work are successful when they get the right immigration advice at the time of applying for their work visa. Planning a future residence application from the start of the visa journey is more likely to result in final approval.


Working with an experienced licensed immigration adviser ensures you can regularly check in to make sure you are still on track to qualify for residence while working over the next few years. Take advice now.

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