Qualifying for citizenship is governed by the Citizenship Act 1977, which sets out the necessary requirements.
Special rules apply to children under 16, and in exceptional cases, citizenship may be granted by the Minister of Internal Affairs.
If you are a New Zealand citizen and your children are born overseas, they may be eligible for citizenship. It’s advisable to seek professional advice.
To qualify for New Zealand citizenship, most applicants must:
- Be a New Zealand resident (hold a Permanent Resident Visa).
- Live in New Zealand as a resident for 5 years immediately before the application is lodged; spend at least 240 days in New Zealand in each of those 5 years, and the total number of days spent in New Zealand over the 5 years must be 1,350 or more.
- Speak English to a basic conversational level.
- Be of good character.
- Intend to live in New Zealand once citizenship is granted.
Useful Information
The NZIHS team of advisers and experts take away the stress and worry of navigating the complex world of understanding New Zealand Citizenship.
Migrant To Kiwi
If you are carrying more than NZ$10,000 in cash when you arrive in New Zealand, you must declare it when you go through Customs.
General Comments
A word of warning: New Zealand recognizes dual nationality, allowing you to hold both a New Zealand passport and your current passport. However, some countries do not permit dual citizenship. Check your country's policy before you apply.
When you need help with immigration or citizenship, don’t forget to come back to us!